Wednesday, December 17, 2008

last week before Christmas!!

Its so hard for me to imagine that it is going to be Christmas in a week, the lack of snow has completely thrown me off! I only have two days before I am off to Romania for two weeks! I cannot even express how excited I am to see my friends, I can't believe that I have not seen them for over 3 years. While this is going to be my first Christmas away from home, I am so excited to be able to spend it with my dear friends.
The last week has been pretty busy for me, I have been trying to finish up as much as I can before I head off for Christmas break. Somehow though this weekend ended up being incredibly full. On Friday night, I got together with my Spanish friends for a pre-New Years celebration- all the students of Madrid gather in Port de Sol and when the clock strikes twelve you have to eat 12 grapes in 12 seconds- it is incredibly hard! I couldn't do it :) Then on Saturday I went to the movie Twilight with some of my girlfriends and a birthday party in the evening. Then to wrap up the weekend, a group of us went out for dinner at a Cuban restuarant, I ate so much food- I couldn't even believe it.
I only have two more days of class which is so nice- Then tomorrow night, I'll be heading off to the airport. My flight leaves at 7:45 Friday morning, but the metros aren't open early enough, so I am going to camp out in the airport until my gate opens- I have a feeling it will make for an interesting evening!
I hope that all of you have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy spending our Savoir's birth with your friends and family.

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