Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The first week!

It is so hard to believe that I have only been in Spain for a week- so much has happened! As many of you know, the main thing I was worried about coming into the trip was finding a place to live. I saw so many apartments on Thursday and Friday, but my searching paid off because I found a place that I love and put a deposit down on Monday. My room is actually large by Spanish standards, although quite small to an American. I think the selling point of the apartment though was the terrace on the top floor. I cannot wait to be able to sit outside and read, without having to leave my apartment! I haven't met everyone I will be living with but I know it is going to be 2 Spanish, another exchange students and then 2 more I don't know.
We started our intensive language, history and art classes on Friday which has added homework to our daily agendas. Honestly though we have so much time to go out and explore the city- which has been a great experience! We took a bus tour of Madrid on Monday and then yesterday went to the city of Segovia (about 1 hour outside of Madrid)
I was blessed this weekend to find a church without at hitch. I got connected to some missionaries here from my Uncle Tom and they helped me get there without a problem! The service was in English which was nice and then afterward I had the chance to go out for lunch with some other American students I met there.
That's all I have so far, I'll do my best to keep this updated as things come up :)

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